Football Season Review/Interviews

How do I even begin to start talking about this year’s football season? It was surly one to remember from the hypest of crowds to winning our first ever playoff home game in Anacortes’s history. I wanted to give you a little bit of my point of view as the teams photographer over the past few years. It has been amazing seeing these guys grow, and grow, as players, and as a team. Their connections are like family, and it is so cool to see it, on and, of the field. It was an honor to be their photographer, and will miss it a lot. I interviewed some of the guys on the team to get their view of the seasons and some other fun questions. 

First lets hear from Garrett Bickley a Senior this year. What started your love of the game?

“I think what really started my love of football was during my pee wee year. It was my first year playing and I just instantly fell in love with the game. The way it’s played and the amount of thought and effort it takes to be successful in the game really drives you to better yourself”. What’s the one thing you will remember most about playing football at Anacortes High School? 

“I think the one thing that I will remember most is my senior year and how far we have come. My freshman year we didn’t even have a varsity team and now we were in the run for the state championship. If you would have told me that we would have come this far my freshman year I would have thought you were crazy but the journey has been awesome and it led us here”. What is the most important thing you have learned from football? “  I have learned how to overcome adversity through hard work and dedication. Football has taught me things that I will use for the rest of my life”. Colin Belitz says “He is just a kind and caring person always sharing food when others do not have any and a leader on O Line. If you have a question he will always help you understand, and takes the time to explain”. 

The second person I interviewed was Chase Mohel a Senior this year. What Started your love for the game? “Watching the packers when I was little”. What’s you favorite thing about football? “Hitting people and spending time with my brother on the field”. What’s one thing that you will remember about playing football at Anacotes High School? “The team dinner and all the close games my team battled in”. How did you feel after the first playoff home game win? “I felt on top of the world, and was so proud of how my team played”. What is the most important thing you have learned from football? “I’ve learned to always bet on yourself, and to never have a doubt in my mind”. Braden Thomas says “He is a very positive guy always bringing the team together as a great leader” 

  1. The Third person I interviewed was Hayden John a Senior this year. When I asked him; What started your love for the game? He said “My grandpa started my love for the game, When I was three months old, we would sit and watch football together and he would talk football and tell me how would grow up to be a great player, He really opened up football for me and it changed my life”. What is your favorite part of football? “Is how it connects people and the community to join something bigger than themselves, It brings me closer to my family, You feel nothing else while you play and do not worry about anything else and just play”. What is one of your favorite thing this football season? “Is a bunch of players and a few coaches shaved their heads bald”. What one thing you will you remember about playing football at Anacortes High School? “I will remember that we turned the program 180 and brought life back into it compared to past years”. Rylin Lang says; he is “a hard worker, puts in the extra work, a great leader, also funny, and a great player” 

The Fourth person I interviewed was Brady Beaner a Sophmore this year. What do you think it takes to be a successful football player? “I think it takes heart and passion, you have to be determined to win”. What your favorite thing about football “Is playing with my brothers my teammates mean so much to me, They have taught me so much and football has also taught me discipline and to never give up”. How did you feel after the first playoff win in Anacortes’s History “After the first win I knew it was huge because we just made history, We also had more bonding time as a team like a team dinners we would have rap battles”. Landon Schafer says Brady “Is like a brother to me I have known him my whole life, he has my back and I have his always”. 

The Fifth person I interviewed was Braden Thomas a Senior this year. His love for the game he said “Started when I won the playoffs my first year in youth football, My favorite thing about football is playing under the lights”. One thing that I will remember about playing at Anacortes High School “Is winning the first ever playoff game in our schools history”. One of the funny memories I will remember “Is when the team listened to Taylor Swift in the weightroom”. The most important thing I have learned from football “Is when you work well with a team anything is possible”. Chase Mohel says “He always brings a smile to my face and a very uplifting person. I love playing with him he a great player”. 

The Sixth person I interviewed was Cooper Barton a Junior this year. His love for the game he said “Started when his friends were trying and getting him to try out for the team, but my favorite thing about the game of football is the intensity of it theres action every second and you have to stay on your toes”. Do you have any funny memories? He said “At the end of every weight session Chase would play Adele and everyone would sing along”. How did you feel after the first ever home playoff win in Anacortes’s History? His response was “The feeling was truly amazing, having all your family anf friends their was super special and then in the end all celebrating together”. Cole Zaharris says “Cooper is an outstanding teammate that never puts himself first. He always has a drive to better himself and the people around him. His energy tends to always be positive and has a good way of bringing people together and lifting them up. He is an amazing player and person whether on or off the field. He aways checks on everyone to make sure they are doing well and feeling good”. 

Thank you so much for reading this! Go Hawks