Island Girls is a podcast hosted by sophomores Kaitlyn Massey and Allie Perez. The two discuss a variety of subjects for each episode that everyone at some point in their lives can relate to. Episode one focuses on prom, and specifically, prama (prom + drama). Hear about what the girls and other students think about prom, and enjoy some snippets of drama.

Island Girls Podcast: Episode One: Prama

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  1. Hey, the podcast is finally a reality! It was fun to hear you two talk about prama (hope I spelt that right.) It sounds fun to be able to hang out with friends and have a good time while still having some drama. Out of curiosity, are kids not from AHS allowed to go? The Closest I’ve ever gotten to high school drama was a couple of rock concerts.


    1. AHS students can bring guests to the dances, however they need forms and such. I’m glad you enjoyed the podcast! Thanks for listening!

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