Smoke, social unrest, upcoming elections, and a pandemic: could this year look any crazier? With the feeling that everything around us is different and unknown, we desperately need something to keep us grounded. Usually, that would be the routine of school. Something that feels normal and familiar, where you can see your friends and teachers and simply have the chance to clear your mind and focus on other things for a few hours. 

However this year, school is also pretty unknown. Luckily, one thing that can keep us grounded is each other. Although we are all learning virtually, we still have the chance to connect with our peers and teachers. School can still be a place to focus on something different and interact with others. And we encourage you to reach out to each other and strengthen your connections. Even though we are all isolated and alone, we are alone together, and in that sense, are we even alone at all?

Everyone is working hard to accommodate an as-close-to-normal feeling as possible while still making sure to keep us all safe. But this doesn’t mean we won’t be able to continue our AHS traditions, they will simply look a bit differently. 

We are excited to see you all again soon (whether that be virtual or masked and distanced). We have some exciting plans for this year and would really love to hear from you all!

Even when we had only half of a school and no theater or gym, we stayed strong and kept up our school spirit. We may have had to relocate for sports games and performances and for classes and activities, but we made it through! We persevered! We can get through this, one semester at a time. We will adapt, and we will be sure to make this a memorable year. 

We can’t wait to see and hear from you all soon! Go Seahawks! 

Your ASB Officers –

Allie Perez, Jessica Augustoni, Amy Aggergaard, and Teja Rasmussen 

Allie Perez

Allie Perez is Editor-in-Chief of The Seahawk Journal. She loves writing, musicals, the color yellow, tea, bringing happiness to the people around her, but most importantly, dogs. She adores dogs with...

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